v.i. travel check list

passport, visa
travel tickets, boarding passes
travel itinerary, maps, directions
driver's license
credit cards, ATM cards
cash passport, traveller cheques, travel cash
copies of:
passport and visas
travel documents
credit and ATM cards + card contact info
travel insurance and car insurance info
and last but not least:
emergency contacts info
make sure your I.C.E is programmed into your phone designating someone (including their 'title' for example husband, father, best friend) in your cell phone as the In Case of Emergency Contact (I.C.E) 0 this can help rescuers if you are in an accident and avoid wasting valuable time figuring out which name in a cell phone to call - it's also a good idea to keep a copy of these numbers on paper in your wallet and on the fridge at home
personal contacts info
your medical history, contacts and list of medications
and if you are traveling to a European Economic Area your European Health Insurance Card