
finely chop 1 clove of garlic, 1 tsp capers, 2 cornichons, 2 anchovy fillets, 25g flat parsley
and mix with juice of half a lemon and one tablespoon of olive oil
perfect with grilled white fish such as lemon sole
add a cup of basil leaves, a crushed clove of garlic,3 tablespoons of pine nuts and 3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese in a food processor to pulse/chop and then add sufficient olive oil to form a smooth mixture to your taste
as an alternative, Donna Hay in her book 'Flavours' suggests you could make the pesto with a combination of basil, mint or coriander
when the flavour mix allows, try replacing equal ratios of butter with avocado
... we've read cholesterol-lowering avocado contains 14g fat per 100g compared to butter at 81g
and as the finishing touch to a crudites platter of crunchy raw, or warm 'a denta' vegetables add a bowl of
aioli aso known as garlic mayonnaise
put three small free range egg yolks in a smal food processor, or blender, add a crushed clove of garlic, the juice of half a lemon, a good pinch of sea salt and one or two generous grindings of pepper, then put 200ml of extra virgin oil into a jug and with the food processor or blender motor running, very slowly pour the through the funnel into the egg yollks, drip by drip to begin with, then in a slow trickly, unti it is all incoporated into a deliciously thick glossy dip
or make a very simple dip
put four garlic cloves in a small blender, blending until they become a rought paste, then stir in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 8-12 tablespoons of creme fraiche and add, if you like the taste, blend in a 200g drained tin of anchovies