seeds & cuttings

organic seeds for vegetables, heritage and modern varieties, herbs, flowers - the official catalogue of for organic and environmentally friendly gardeners includes organic seeds for vegetables, herbs, flowers and green manures and Garden Organic members receive a 10% discount on all goods so you might want to find out about membership on the website where you can also buy also organic composts and fertilisers; biological pest controls plus all your other gardening needs.
seed pots - don't bother buying pots to plant seeds, The Laundry has got the most fantastic wooden instrument called the Paper Potter, which you can use to make your own plant pots out of waste paper for starting seeds off. The seeds can be planted directly in the paper pot and then put straight into the ground - they will naturally biodegrade. Fantastic idea.
and finally ...
a potting sieve - for sprinkling fine compost over seeds designed by Sophie Conran for