hand hygiene

safety first 24/7... keep bugs and viruses at bay as much as possible by following strict hand hygiene
Key situations when you need to wash your hands
(Source: World Health Organisation)
After coughing or sneezing
When caring for the sick
Before, during and after you prepare food
Before eating
After toilet use
When hands are visibly dirty
After handling animals or animal waste
(Source: World Health Organisation)
After coughing or sneezing
When caring for the sick
Before, during and after you prepare food
Before eating
After toilet use
When hands are visibly dirty
After handling animals or animal waste
by now we should all know the most obvious way to ward off germs is to wash your hands with soap and water as you hum the happy birthday tune to yourself, not once but twice, but it's not always easy to get to a sink, let along find one, when you're away from home. However, help is at hand (literally) from Cuticura who have over 150 years of skin care knowledge and expertise - their Hand Hygiene Gel range is antibacterial and proven to protect hands from 99.9% of bacteria, and essential to keep on you and your kids at all times, whether in your pocket, bag, lunch boxes, the car, on your desk .... absolutely anywhere.