autumn essentials

every girl needs a hat of some sort - not only for those bad hair days but also very useful to keep snug in! Our favorites are from ...
to keep the rain off - you'd be nuts to not have a good umbrella, one that doesn't blow inside out and shake all over the place would be ideal. At Brollies Galore there is a vast range of umbrellas to chose from; childrens, wedding, walking-stick brollies (you can even adjust the height), men's, PVC see-through, you name it, they have it, even designer brollies - who'd have thought it?!
keep those feet dry - with Hunter Boots - the ultimate in 'wellies'! No longer just a wellington, pretty much a fashion statement too these days - with celebrities sporting them all over the place (including the wet festivals). Click into the website and chose what purpose you want them for; fashion, gardening, festivals, sport, kids or even farming and up comes a whole selection for you to chose from!