travel tips

flying with children
- little ones need lots of water or juice to keep them hydrated so consider stocking up once you are through check-in
- snacks are almost essential, but chose fruit rather than sweets packed with E numbers
- take activity books and pens/pencils to keep them occupied
- Nintendo DS, portable DVD players, iPods etc will keep them interested until batteries run out!
snoozing whilst traveling or out and about isn't the most comfortable sleep ever but...
for sleepy little ones there's an instant solution to late night traveling - the unique, lightweight Bush-Baby Nestegg pop-up travel cot that really needs no additional assembly - you just take it out of its bag and its up in seconds. Includes is super comfy lightweight self-inflating mattress with a zip out poly-cotton sleep sheet that fits into the base to ensure a a great nights sleep for all and it's lightweight, weighs only 2kg and fits into a suitcase, so no excess baggage worries!. As it can double-up as a play area for days on the beach or in the garden, indoor carpet and outdoor pegs are included and the SPF30 UV protection sun canopy doubles as nigh-time shade. It has Mosiquito proof netting too!
for bigger kids, you and a 'good flight's sleep', a Jetsleeper will help. It's a hook-on self-expanding pillow which is then secured to the opposite arm-rest. Filled with soft polyester hollow fibre and supports it not only supports your head and neck but your entire body and when you wake-up at your destination it folds up into a pocket-sized pouch. So fantastic it has won 2 awards.