v.i.traveller info

to know before leaving home
and to keep with you when travelling...
If you have any doubts about your passport then get in touch with the Identity & Passport Service www.passport.gov.uk - remember to check expiry dates and that you haven't picked up another family member's passport!
absolutely do not leave without travel insurance just make sure it covers you for all countries worldwide or at least the country you will be traveling to. Check the Foreign Office website www.fco.gov.uk Here you will also find all sorts of helpful information for travelers - disabled travelers, women travelers, overseas weddings & civil partnerships, winter and extreme sports and also lots of info in case anything goes wrong while you are abroad.
if you are traveling to a European Economic Area then apply for the European Health Insurance Card which entitles you to reduced cost medical treatment - apply online at www.ehic.org.uk
find out how does 112 work in the country you are going to visit - what happens if your mobile operator does not have coverage - if emergency services can locate your call and are 112 operators able to speak your language on ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/112/ms/index_en.htm
vaccinations? you need to be super organised if you are traveling to anywhere you may need vaccinations for, as you will need these up to 6 months before hand - The National Travel Health Network and Centre has lots of information www.nathnac.org
make sure your I.C.E are programmed into your phone designating someone (including their 'title' for example husband, father, best friend) in your cell phone as the In Case of Emergency Contact (I.C.E) as this can help rescuers if you are in an accident and avoid wasting valuable time figuring out which name in a cell phone to call - it's also a good idea to keep a copy of these numbers on paper in your wallet and on the fridge at home
and if you ...
miss your flight ...
there are five easy steps to the solution - don't panic, phone or log on to Missed a Flight,tell them where you want to travel, let them find alternative travel arrangements to get you to your chosen destination.
have any missing/damaged baggage following your flight ...
Sophie Butler who writes for the Daily Telegraph recommends the following:
- if flown on more than 1 flight you need a PIR form (Property Irregularity Report) from the desk of the final airline you used
- as for essential items to tide you over until your luggage arrives. Some airlines will hand out cash others may ask for receipts. Check the agreed limit per day, per person
- if you need specialist items (skis, walking boots etc) then you may be able to get more
- compensation wise airlines will ask for receipts of everything in your bags and work on a basis of depreciation in value etc, so you will most certainly end up with only a tiny fraction of the cost of the contents
- usually it is better to claim on your insurance as they offer at least £1,500 baggage cover, but do check the single-item limit
- damaged bags; you need to submit a claim withing 7 days of the flight, include a PIR form and an estimate for repairing the case and it's contents
worry about ...
having a prang in your holiday hire car ...
be sure to check out the small print when car-hire companies claim to include 'free insurance' and consider covering yourself against car-hire excess including damage to windows and tyres which may be excluded by the car-hire company's policy -
for annual policys anywhere Europe and worldwide try www.insurance4carhire.com
for single trip insurance
other options to check out: www.carhireexcess.com and www.insuremycarhire.com
and finally -
for anyone planning a trip - The Traveller's Pocket Bible provides everything you could possibly need to know to save you time routing through the internet or out-of-date travel books. including advice on packing, culture, customs and etiquette, health and security, money, traveling with children, and even taking your pet with you PLUS practical information such as timelines, conversions, electricity usage, emergency phrase books and telephone numbers. There is also a quick guide to the top 20 destinations, giving an overview of the countries widely traveled to http://www.crimsonpublishing.co.uk