happy camping

mosquitos and bacteria are going to hate these sleeping bags -
the www.snugpak.com range of sleeping bags includes ones that have built-in mosquito nets that provide a natural way to protect yourself from biting insects - the net ingeniously rolls away when not required and it is even possible to seal the sleeping bag when not in use to ensure you don't have any creepy crawly company later that night... and one of Snugpak's latest breakthrough in antibacterial and antimicrobial treatment on the outer and linings of the Travelpak sleeping bags acts to discourage the growth of bacteria - resulting in a reduction of odours and the need for regular laundering to keep it smelling fresh. Ideal for prolonged tropical travel or any place where temperatures may be high and facilities limited.
wanting something hot to eat or drink?
camping stove - it's time to update your ancient, heavy and unreliable camping stove - we have found the Primus EtaPackLite, which we think you'll find revolutionary! It's so clever it's much more windproof than those old ones, smaller and more efficient. It includes a collapsible wind shield and large pan with a built in strainer. What more could you want?!
especially for festival campers - we've actually found the most fabulous website called Marsh Mellow which can supply all the kit you need to take with you to a festival - from wellies to sleeping bags, and tents to torches. In fact, if you're not too sure what you'll need, then just have a flick through this website and you'll have a very good idea of what you need! We LOVE it.