
since the shock of my husband being diagnosed with melanoma, i find myself referring back time after time to Michael van Straten's recipes and immunity check list in his 'The Complete Superfoods Cookbook' where he says:
eat more oily fish for omega-3 fatty acids, poultry and lean meat for protein, spinach, sweet potaties and carrots for betacarotene, chickpeas and wholegrain cereals for B vitamins and folic acid, olive oil, safflower oil, nuts, seeds and avocados for vitamin E, citrus fruits, cherries and berries for vitamin C abd bioflavonoids, and low-fat dairy products for calcium and vitamin D ...
and eat less animal fat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, highly processed carbohydrates and all processed prepacked, ready-made foods.
and all these magical nuts, seeds, pulses, fruits and vegetables really are super foods ...
nuts, high in fibre and mineral content also contain contain the right type of heart-protective ometa-3 fatty acids and monounsaturates ...
almonds rich in monounsaturated fat, have high levels of antioxidants which we are told help protect against cancer-causing cell damage.
cashews are full of magnesium which can help to regulate mood swings and easy anxiety - the zinc found in cashews helps increase testosterone levels which boosts sex drive in men and women.
hazelnuts - are high in folic acid which protects against birth defects, so are great before and after you conceive.
walnuts - by eating 5 or more times per week can cut heart disease risk by up to 50%
packed with nutrients, seeds are the perfect snack for peckish moments - all seeds contain minerals, including iron, needed for healthy red blood cells, zinc, required for healthy bones and a healthy immune system, and magnesium, for the release of energy from food ... superfuel or what??!
pumpkin seeds are full of zinc, protein, magnesium, omega-3, iron, copper, phosphorous, potassium and B-vitamins... which means they are great for skin and a healthy immune system, support the nerve and muscle function, can prevent heart disease, generate new blood cells, for brain development, to build bone, for normal kidney function and also to support and increase metabolism.
flax seeds are full of a unique blend of proteins, fiber and essential fats that give you energy to beat that mid-afternoon low by improving delivery of nutrients and oxygen to body tissue.
beans, lentils and peas are a low-fat source of protein and a good source of fibre.
wholegrains including oats contain soluble fibre (which may help reduce cholesterol) plus some carbs, protein and iron needed for healthy blood cells.
berries & fruits:
berries - blackberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, red currants - all full of important nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy - low in calories, full of vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber... be sure to buy ripe, firm berries and for almost-out-of-date berries, just blend them in a food processor, spoon into an ice-cube tray then freeze so they're to hand when there's no fresh fruit around. Frozen berries pack the same vitamin punch as fresh.
pomegranate are artery-cleansing, so eat lots and lots of these!
broccoli, cabbage and leafy greens are all important sources of fibre and folate, a B vitamin involved in the production of healthy red blood cells and important during early pregnancy to help prevent birth defects.
beetroot are artery-cleansing
red, orange and yellow sweet peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene which protect body tissues and cells from damage.
mushrooms are packed with natural immune boosters - we've read that healters recommend maitake and shiitake mushrooms.
tomatoes are a rich source of the antioxidant lycopene, and did you know they make you feel fuller for longer?? two good reasons to pop one in your salad
pure black garlic is aged white garlic with twice the normal antioxidant value, a wonderful sweet flavour and almost no overpowering garlic smell! so good to eat as it is used in cooking
maple syrup - not quite a superfood, but swap golden syrup and honey for maple syrup as it has a lower GI and won't cause blood-sugar swings as the others do.
maple syrup - not quite a superfood, but swap golden syrup and honey for maple syrup as it has a lower GI and won't cause blood-sugar swings as the others do.