juices & more

fruits, vegetables, herbs, leaves, beans ...
make those daily 5-a-day much more fun and invest in a juicer - not only are fruit/veg juices absolutely yummy but you can make as much as you want and freeze it - check out the huge selection of juicers available on www.ukjuicers.com.
there's something in the water - we all know we're supposed to drink 1.6 litres of water a day for gorgeous looking skin, but there really is something special about Willow Water. With it's unique blend of minerals including calcium and Salicin which has anti-inflammatory properties it's what you need to improve your complexion making it clearer and blemish-free. It has also been known to help with rather more serious skin problmes like exzema.
make those daily 5-a-day much more fun and invest in a juicer - not only are fruit/veg juices absolutely yummy but you can make as much as you want and freeze it - check out the huge selection of juicers available on www.ukjuicers.com.
there's something in the water - we all know we're supposed to drink 1.6 litres of water a day for gorgeous looking skin, but there really is something special about Willow Water. With it's unique blend of minerals including calcium and Salicin which has anti-inflammatory properties it's what you need to improve your complexion making it clearer and blemish-free. It has also been known to help with rather more serious skin problmes like exzema.