Carol B background

a world that over the years has
encompassed the wonderful worlds of PR, journalism, design, retail ...
and so many lifestyle experiences.
aspiration: always a job I actually enjoy
doing that's extremely fulfilling ...
working for a magazine was always my dream job.
“dream on!†I hear you shout, but doesn't every career start with a desire?
and I did it!
as a kid spending hours and hours of 'independent play' during long
summer holidays spent in the garden, or maybe Whitstable beach hut,
'cutting and pasting' trends from my mother's old magazines into
scrapbooks, if i'd know then what i learnt later, i would have called
them 'dummies' just like the ones I saw evolving as each issue of Vogue
was put together.
influences: magical movies including High Society, To Catch A Thief, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Face think pink, His Girl Friday, Casablanca, Un Homme et Une Femme, Atonement, I Am Love ...
inspirations:i I'm more of a visual thinker so love the timeless style and individual looks of 20th century style icons Coco Chanel, Lauren Bacall, Katherine Hepburn, Grace
Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy ... and now the wonderous fashion styling by Patricia Field for Sarah Jessica
Parker and Lily Collins (Carrie Bradshaw and Emily Cooper to be more specific) and the amazing set
designs and locations chosen as backdrops for every scene.