hair tips

a great tip from Luke Hersheson - if you want loose waves rather than tight curls then try sectioning your hair and then tying them into ropes and wrapping around the curling tongs. Don’t forget that naturally curly hair is ‘never curled at the end’.
for quick and easy party hair - Sally Anne Bailey recommends setting 6 heated rollers around the crown, in the top layers of hair, give your hair a once over with some hairspray, and leave in while you get your make-up under control. Then either brush out or shake your head forward to create waves and volume.
rollers - use small rollers for fringes and short layers; big rollers are for long hair. Use hairspray on sections to stop hair slipping out of the rollers.
straighteners - use on the lowest setting possible to reduce damage and for longer lasting results. Only use when hair is completely dry, and use a heat-protective spray to avoid any frizz. If possible don't straighten day-old hair as the pollution build up will add to damaging effects.
after styling - always let your hair cool 100% before leaving the house to make sure the style has stuck!