
smoking - it doesn't need to be a nightmare trying to give-up. There is so much support out there for you. Why not make the first move and click to the NHS SmokeFree site, where you'll find help, support and the chance to 'Ask an Expert'.
alcoholism - it's not only alcoholics who need support, it's friends and family who often take the toll. Al-anon offers understanding and support to friends and family of problem drinkers. They offer group meeting where you can receive understanding, comfort and learn to cope - find out where your nearest group is on the website.They also run Alateen, which is specifically for those between 12-17 who are affected by someone else's drinking.
anxiety and depression - is an increasingly common complaint with many millions of people going to see their GP with some form of mental issue each year - for all sorts of advice, support and information, Depression Can Be Fun is a wonderful website to check out; not only for sufferers but for carers too.
and please seriously consider seeking or suggesting therapy if you or someone close to you is feeling lost, confused, unsure, unclear, perplexed, disoriented,bewildered, maybe from:
body image and food related issues, usually linked to self-esteem,such as bulimia, anorexia or obesity
coping after a traumatic event
relationship, trust and commitment issues
The Royal College of Psychiatrists website is well worth visiting
contraception - most GPs will be happy to discuss contraception with you, or you can visit your local family planning clinic for free advice.
However, you may find it more convenient - or you may simply prefer - to visit a Marie Stopes International centre. Womens, mens and young peoples services are at the heart of the modern-day Marie Stopes International organisation which includes a 24/7 help line.
Their doctors and nurses are specialists in family planning and can help you choose the most suitable method of contraception for your lifestyle, as well as provide contraception itself. The service is completely confidential and there is no wait for an appointment.
They can also provide a confidential telephone counselling service by appointment (a 30 minute seesion costs £35) for women and men who would like to speak to a professional, qualified counsellor about their feelings relating to pregnancy - who can help with the difficult decisions you have to make, or can talk through your feelings about decisions that you have made in the past or maybe your thoughts on your pregnancy, exploring difficult emotions following the loss of a pregnancy, e.g. miscarriage or stillbirth or following an abortion.
The website is also a mind of information including contraception + abortion, female sterillsation, screening and sexually transmitted infections.
and when it comes to health, there is help at hand too ...
bladder or bowel problems - millions and millions of people are affected and there is little doubt that bladder and bowel disorders can have a huge impact on virtually every area of life, affecting relationships, ability to work, travel and social life - people shouldn't don't let these problems 'kill' quality of life because understanding. help and support for suffers, family and friends is available from the Bladder and Bowel Foundation.
reproductive health problems - did you realise half the women in the UK still experience a reproductive health problem during their lifetime, be it trouble with conceiving, intensly painful periods or gynaecological cancer? Working in partnership with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Wellbeing for Women is the only charity dedicated to changing this by funding medical research that will benefit these women and the professionals who diagnose and treat them. - just click onto the website for women’s health information and information on the menopause, gynae cancer, PCOS, period problems, pregnancy and birth and lots more...
hysterectomy - up to 40,000 hysterectomy operations are carried out by the NHS on women in the UK every year and around 60,000 in the UK as a whole (this figure means that one in five of all women will have a hysterectomy at some point in their life with the majority of hysterectomies are performed when a woman is aged between 40 – 50, however many do occur before and after this age group) - so if this is something on your mind, being informed about hysterectomy and the alternatives can help you make a better, and more informed choice about your own health in the future. The Hysterectomy Association exists to help you make the right choice for your needs...
menopause - am I at the menopause? for up-to-date, accurate information about the menopause, menopausal symptoms and treatment options Menopause Matters, an award winning, independent website provides information on what happens leading up to, during and after the menopause, what the consequences can be, what you can do to help and what treatments are available. Hysterectomy Association also gives masses of information on their website about the menopause/surgical menopause and hormone replacement therapy.
cancer - the Cancer Help website offers reliable, easy to understand patient information
cancer care and support - Macmillan understand how vital it is to have someone by your side when you're affected by cancer - a team who can provide personal support and expert information. That's what they do.
Womens Health Concern (WHC) provides an independent, unbiased service to advise, reassure and educate women of all ages about their health, wellbeing and lifestyle concerns, to enable them to work in partnership with their own medical practitioners and health advisers. So if you have a question on your reproductive, gynaecological or sexual health,and are too embarrassed, can't make time to see your GP, think your condition is too trivial to bother your doctor with or don't believe that anything can be done about your particular case, the WHC team of specialist nurses and medical advisers will offer you a personal and confidential response by email. This can include advice on wellbeing and lifestyle. Please note: to help towards the cost of this specialist nurse service they ask for a minimum donation of £5.00, payable online.