
homeopathy - is an alternative therapy which has had great publicity and proves to be very popular. The way homeopaths treat patients is with diluted remedies which are made from plants and minerals which aid the body's natural healing system. Unlike the prescriptions we are so used to from general doctors, these are non-addictive and free from dangerous side-effects. It is a popular treatment for skin problems, asthma, IBS and allergies and is available both on the NHS and privately. For more information visit the British Homeopathic Association.
having high cholesterol can significantly increase the chances of heart attack and stroke, so it is important to know your levels and do what you can do to reduce the risk of both. Get your own cholesterol monitoring kit at most chemists or online at
look after your eyes - those who wear glasses and contact lenses will have check-ups every now and then, but those who don't should go and get a test at an opticians. Eye-tests can pick up problems like glaucoma and cataracts as well as problems that don't even relate to the eyes, such as diabetes. For all sorts of information about eyes go to
Otherwise for information on Glaucoma try the International Glaucoma Association.
give blood - if it's something you've always meant to do but never got round to it, then visit to find out whether you are able to give blood and where and when to donate.
if you're not sure about something - a rash or any sort of symptom, then it's worth calling NHS Direct 0845 4647, however you may have to wait some time, depending on how busy the lines are. Otherwise you could go to which may give you some answers to common health problems. Yet if you need your GP (be rational) it's better to call the surgery direct, or if it's an emergency go straight to A&E or call 999 - don't hang around. If you can't for some reason get to your local doctor then consider going to a walk-in centre, here you can see a doctor without an appointment, check for your nearest centre .
for all sorts of information on cancer - the Cancer Help website offers reliable, easy to understand patient information